Learn about the SEAL collection on the STEM Activity Clearinghouse at our virtual unboxing webinar!

As part of the Solar Activities for Libraries (SEAL) project, STAR Net has put together a whole collection of solar science and eclipse focused STEM activities on the STEM Activity Clearinghouse in both English and Spanish. Interested in finding out more? Join Claire and Dillon from the STAR Net team at the SEAL collection virtual unboxing webinar on August 22, 2023 to see six different activities from the collection demonstrated and have a discussion about how and when you might be able to employ these activities in your programming. Can’t make it? We got your back! A recording of the webinar will be uploaded to the STAR Net YouTube channel.
Register for the SEAL Collection Unboxing Webinar here!
See you there!
Check out these other great SEAL resources:
The SEAL Collection on the STEM Activity Clearinghouse
Watch a playlist of all our SEAL Training Webinars on the STAR Net YouTube channel
Find virtual resources on our Getting Started with SEAL blog post