What to do with extra and gently used eclipse glasses??

Hi all!
So many of you have emailed and called to ask this important question, we’ve gathered all the possibilities in one place!
First option (Anne’s pick):
Do you have a sister/brother/other library in another country? Head to timeanddate.com and put that location and see when their next partial or total solar eclipse is, you can be the best sister/brother/other library they’ve ever had! If you choose to collect glasses for this purpose, please let us know by emailing “education@spacescience.org” so we can share your information if folks in your area reach out!
*Update* Option 1.5:
I was originally told Astronomers without Borders did not have a program for 2024, but it looks like I was mistaken. Please check out their link here for instructions! https://astronomerswithoutborders.org/programs/solar-glasses-distribution
This is a well trusted institution doing amazing work around the world!
Option 2 (CNNs pick):
Donate to Eclipse Glasses USA, a glasses manufacturer that will repackage and send to other groups seeking donations. https://eclipse23.com/pages/donate-eclipse-glasses
Please note:
“We only accept US-made paperboard glasses that have the manufacturer’s address and contact info and that bear the ISO logo. All others will be discarded due to liability and quality issues.
Lenses must be in good condition, without perforations, tears, or punctures that would allow radiation to penetrate through to the user’s eyes. Damaged lenses will be discarded.”
CNN also provided some good info from AAS and the American Opthamological Society about the re-use of glasses (spoiler alert: they don’t expire!) https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/09/americas/eclipse-glasses-recycle-donate-scn/index.html
Option 3:
Also the “too many options to count” option, just google your location and eclipse glasses recycling, as many local municipalities and parks and rec departments already have plans!
Option 4 (Anne’s other option, that Sky does not like):
You can also collect and send back to us, and we’ll make sure they get send to libraries (including military libraries) in other countries as we approach more eclipse events). There is no deadline, and we’ll slowly check and verify the glasses. They can be sent to:
Anne Holland
Space Science Institute
4765 Walnut St, Suite B
Boulder, CO 80301
OR you can bring them to any conference we’ll be at!