Webinar: Experience Solar Maximum with the Astronomical League’s Observing Challenge

Webinar Link Bank

Did you know that the Sun goes through its own phases? Approximately every 11 years, the Sun’s magnetic field goes through a cycle where the magnetic field completely flips, meaning that the Sun’s north and south poles switch places! The solar cycle affects activity on the Sun’s surface, and we are currently reaching the point in the cycle where solar activity is at its peak. This means more sunspots, solar flares, and geomagnetic storms resulting in beautiful displays of auroras!

It also means more disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field, which can affect the electrical power grid, spacecraft operations, and radio signals.

This webinar explores the solar cycle, what happens during periods of high activity from the Sun, and how to participate in the Solar Maximum Observing Challenge! You’ll learn how to build a DIY magnetometer to detect minor disturbances to the Earth’s magnetic field and discuss ways to engage your community in experiencing solar maximum.

You can access the recording, presentation slides, link bank, and chat transcript here: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/event/experience-solar-maximum-with-the-astronomical-leagues-observing-challenge/
If you would like a PowerPoint version of the slides, you can download them here: https://community.starnetlibraries.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Solar-Max-Observing-Challenge.pptx

Below are the resources referenced in this webinar:

Astronomical League:

Observing Programs (listed alphabetically):

Solar Maximum Observing Challenge:

Build a Soda Bottle Magnetometer:

Astronomy For Mere Mortals Textbook:


Aaron Clevenson
Observing Program Director
Astronomical League

Claire Ratcliffe Adams
Education Associate
Space Science Institute


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