NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge – Summer 2024: Make Your Own Image of Cassiopeia A!

Make Your Own Image of Cassiopeia A!
Join NASA’s Universe of Learning for an exciting opportunity to use real astronomical data and tools to create your own images of Cassiopeia A. Use your images to explore how this dynamic dead star behaves across different types of light. Or just create an image that you think is beautiful. You can capture your own real-time telescope image using the MicroObservatory robotic telescope network. You can also work with a
n archival set of data files taken with multi-wavelength NASA, ESA, CSA space telescope missions (Chandra, NuSTAR, Hubble, JWST) and from NRAO’s ground-based Very Large Array radio telescope facility.
The NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge provides learners of all familiarity levels authentic experiences using real astrophysics data, including those from NASA space-based missions. Participants engage in the scientific practices of a scientist through accessible data tools and experiences while they create and share their composite images.
The NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge includes instructions on how to turn the data into beautiful composite images with a simple and free web-based image processing tool used by professional astronomers. The JS9 image processing tool is widely used by the astronomical community to process and analyze the data from the world’s premiere research telescopes. NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge uses a version of this tool, JS9-4L, developed for learners.
The challenge also features a short video by professional astronomers. These subject matter experts provide science content knowledge of Cassiopeia A as observed across the electromagnetic spectrum. Submit your creations to the challenges and they may be highlighted as standout entries commented on by scientists.
Join the NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge, here: The challenge is open May 20, 2024 – August 5, 2024
You can also learn about other opportunities to discover the life and death of stars and Cassiopeia A for yourselves at NASA’s Universe of Learning: